Keep your business clean with a scraper mat. Custom Mats presents the ultimate SuperScrape Impressions Mat that will do all the cleaning for you!
Instantly stop dirt and grime from entering your home with our most popular outdoor logo mat. With a circular surface cleat, scraping shoes on this mat will clean your shoes.
If you’re looking for a mat that will provide photographic-quality images with sharp detail while leaving dirt at the door, you’ll fall in love with our SuperScrape mats.
- Photographic quality logos.
- Circular surface cleats for scraping and traction.
- UV, chemical and oil resistant.
- Easy to clean! Hose off or sweep.
- Call for a Custom Quote
Do I Need A Scraper Mat?
There are a few signs that may indicate you need a scraper mat. This includes: constantly having to clean the floors, floors are getting damaged, and even noticing water tracks through entryways and exits.
Learn more about Custom Mats and our SuperScrape Impressions Mat Mats. Please call us at 800-330-1343, and we would be happy to help.